
Showing posts from August, 2018

Sailing to Sado

Hello all! It's been an exciting past few days for me, as I celebrated the end of the university term by going camping on Sado Island, part of Niigata Prefecture and in the Sea of Japan. David had suggested this several weeks ago, as his former roommate, Mo, was coming for a week, and it was an opportunity for some exploring. Sado is regarded as a hidden gem of Japan, not being high on the tourist trail, despite having a beach that is rated as among the top 100 swimming spots in all Japan, and also a site that has two stars in the Michelin Travel Guide. I took one look at the promotional material for our proposed campsite, and was sold: We took an overnight bus from Tokyo to Niigata, arriving just after 6 in the morning. This followed with a walk through the city to the ferry terminal, for which we had prepurchased first class tickets. What a good idea this was, as it meant we had preallocated seats (meaning we didn't have to rush to queue), and as the second and thi