
Showing posts from May, 2019


Hello all, long time no blog! It has been quite a while since I put anything up on here, but it's not because there's been a shortage of content! Since last time my parents, grandmothers and a family friend have come to visit me, I've had another friend come visit, Claire and I have gone to the penis festival ( the same as that which I visited last year ), the extra special long Golden Week holiday has come around - and with that a new Emperor and Era (Reiwa), and last month I went to Hawai'i! I also managed to get my camera wet due to a brittle water bottle, meaning an expensive trip to the camera hospital was required (ouch), so for the last few weeks I've been unable to take quite the same volume of photos as would normally be the case! However fortunately this did not affect Hawai'i, so there is a wealth of material to devour there, I promise! I was invited to go to Hawai'i through Tokyo University by a professor whose son I teach English. The c